Community Outreach Program


When everyone returns to school in term four, you will notice the gardens and playground areas will have had an overhaul. The Community Outreach Program is a group of people that provide ‘manpower’ all of which is voluntary, to assist organisations such as Bendigo SDS to improve or enhance a project of their choice.

In our case Outreach volunteers will be revamping all the gardens including the three sensory garden areas (one the Later Years, off the sensory room and toward the pool). The playground benches will be oiled to prevent weather damage, the soft fall will be topped up, the sand will be added to, and gardens will be replenished with plants and weeded, raked and tidied up. I am so excited to see the end result and cannot thank Outreach enough. A huge thank you must go out to the Creer family, who put us in touch with the program initially. The next newsletter will feature the works and display the result.